Outdoor Wedding Ceremony West Dundee

Outdoor Wedding Ceremony West Dundee

Outdoor wedding ceremony west dundeeOutdoor wedding ceremony west dundee

Outdoor Wedding Ceremony in West Dundee

Kristina and Tim contacted our studio few months ago to photograph their outdoor wedding ceremony in

Grafelman Park West Dundee, IL .

Last time we were at Grafelman Park it was at Mindy and Rob engagement photo session in Dundee.

Photographer: Claudia Halip

Kristine in a beautiful white wedding dress and veil just arrived at Gaferman park in West Dundee IL. I took a black and white portrait to start.
Outdoor-wedding-ceremony-at-Grafelman-Park-West DundeeOutdoor-wedding-ceremony-at-Grafelman-Park-West Dundee
The gazebo was already decorated for 4th of July celebrations and we had to have a couple of shots of the newly weds in front of it.
We stood under the gazebo before the 4th of July to hear the pastor welcome Kristina and Tim into marriage.
Both Kristina and Tim could not stop smiling and laughing!

A small group of friends joined them for their summer wedding. It was a very intimate outdoor wedding ceremony with close families.

I couldn’t forget a quick photo with Kristina’s parents!

A close-up of the summer flowers in a bouquet with Kristina
I incorporated a lot of nature elements in here. The summer sun gave us excellent lighting and the grass was so beautifully green.
Beautiful view with the Lutheran Church in background in West Dundee

The beautiful bouquet of sunflowers she had at the photo session and wedding ceremony.

Exploring the park a little with the couple to find more shots for their summer wedding.
Tim and Kristina hugging and kissing after the ceremony.

The couple walked hand in hand and shared private moments of affection with one another.

Kristine laying against Tim near the water fountain in Grafelman Park.

This post was last modified on March 27, 2022 8:50 am

H Photography: Always looking for new and creative ways to show the beauty of people. Love the light, shadow and contrasts. I've been working as news photographer, cruise lines photographer, sport photographer and of course wedding photographer. Love Chicago and love traveling around the world and meet new people!

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